mete out

美 [miːt aʊt]英 [miːt aʊt]
  • (以某种方式)给予,祭出(惩罚)
mete outmete out

mete out


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 以…方式给予惩罚
    To mete out a punishment means to order that someone should be punished in a certain way.

    His father meted out punishment with a slipper.



administer or bestow, as in small portions
administer critical remarks to everyone present
dole out some money
shell out pocket money for the children
deal a blow to someone
the machine dispenses soft drinks
Synonym: distribute administer deal parcel out lot dispense shell out deal out dish out allot dole out


  1. I confess such endless days and nights would be a punishment far greater than you could ever mete out .


  2. The excessive conquest will result in the wrath of nature and the wrathful nature may mete out severe penalties for human beings .


  3. Duly mete out rewards and punishments .


  4. Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children .


  5. He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated .


  6. It may make it more difficult for defendants and their boards to mete out punishments .


  7. If the advertising agents run false advertisements , the consumers may request administrative departments to mete out punishment .


  8. Aggrandize the degree to mete out punishment to corruption and strengthen the construction of cadre troops ;


  9. Governments have been reluctant to criticise each other in public , let alone to mete out fines .


  10. The Methods make specific classifications of illegal acts related to invoices , mete out more severe punishment of illegal acts than the original Methods ;


  11. It is necessary and exigent to mete out severe punishment effectively according to law , vindicate images of the party , ensure the development of economy .


  12. We seem to expect the course itself to mete out justice , with water hazards and bunkers placed in tough but fair positions ;


  13. Nonetheless , we persist in the conviction that a solitary existence Is the harshest penalty life can mete out .


  14. God mete out justice in his own good time . Owing to the belated arrival of your offer , we have already placed our order elsewhere .


  15. They 'll mete out more damage than any other class , but will be very weak in melee situations , wearing only cloth armor .


  16. Now , Beijing is drafting legislation that could mete out the ultimate punishment for drug companies or others whose products harm or kill large numbers of people & the death penalty .


  17. A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor 's Law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment .


  18. The price departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level exercise monitoring and checking over pricing activities according to law and mete out administrative punishments on acts that violate the law .


  19. The article considered that professionalization of strong reciprocators and governmental strong reciprocity could mete out severe punishments to non-cooperators more effectively , and the cooperation makes society possible under compulsion .


  20. Tiantan Park , home to the iconic Temple of Heaven , is now home to six high-tech dispensers that mete out toilet paper only after conducting a facial scan , The Beijing News reported .


  21. Also " mete out for go into ", pass strategies , such as combination marketing , price and sale * etc. , the design funds of science returns a plan , the funds that promises the whole item throws in time , the safety return .


  22. Article 206 . Whoever issues and sells corporate securities in violation of this law , a department with the State Council 's authorization shall mete out punishment to it in accordance with Articles 175 , 176 , and 202 of this law .


  23. It was just the latest example of a growing phenomenon the Chinese call Internet hunting , in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real and imagined .


  24. Measurement inspectors are responsible for circuit checking in the prescribed areas and places and may , within their stipulated authority , deal , on the spot , with violations of measurement laws and regulations and mete out administrative sanctions on the merit of each case .


  25. The idea of justice is substantially divided into justice of isomerization , justice of allocation , justice of exchange and justice of effectiveness in cooperation , which , nevertheless , can only mete out the demand of the order and justice in the human world itself as a whole .


  26. Once this united front is formed , those reactionary capitalists guilty of the worst crimes will be isolated , and the state will be in a strong position to mete out due punishment , such as fines , confiscation , arrest , imprisonment or execution , without much opposition .
